2009 Owl Award
Bill Heinsen

Bill served as President in 1996 and then continued to fill most of the other executive positions over the years. From 2000 to the present he has filled the role of treasurer for most years.

As president, Bill created and has helped revise the RDRN handbook and policies. Shortly thereafter he acted as treasurer and financial advisor for the NatureScape and the Mountain Bluebird Trail Guide projects.

Then for a period of two seasons, he helped write and produce the manuals for the Young Naturalists Club.

From 2004 – 2006, he acted as treasurer, advisor, and general go-for person during RDRN’s hosting of the Nature Canada Conference. As treasurer he is also required to fill in Revenue Canada and Casino reports, prepare the annual audit and oversee same, and generally keep everyone on their toes.

In addition to keeping the finances in order, he keeps the membership list up-to-date, prints receipts for income tax purposes, and prints renewal forms. He also acts as the RDRN purchasing agent when it comes time to replenish office supplies, buy a new computer. He creates and prints tickets for events requiring them.

  • He has attended many meetings on behalf of RDRN, not the least of which was as our representative during the creation of the the Special Place in the Red Deer River Valley.
  • He acts as our webmaster and is currently helping RDRN get into the electronic world via Facebook and Twitter.
  • He creates Powerpoint presentations for us and can be called on to set up the equipment for same when needed.
  • Bill also acts as our lead steward for the Butcher Creek Natural Area and tries to support RDRN outings and field trips, especially Monday birding trips, when possible.