© Myrna Pearman

About the Red Deer River Naturalists


Central Albertans respect, value and protect the natural environment.


Involve citizens through education and opportunities that engage them to appreciate and defend biodiversity, ecological integrity and environmental stewardship in Central Alberta.


  • Ecological knowledge

    We work with the knowledge, practices and beliefs regarding ecological relationships that naturalists gain. We acknowledge traditional and Indigenous wisdom, science and extensive personal observation of and interaction with local ecosystems.

  • Environmental Literacy

    We inform Citizens’ understanding, skills and motivation to make responsible decisions that consider their relationships to natural systems, communities and future generations.

  • Integrity

    We share science and fact-based credible information on important issues of conservation and environmental policy. Naturalists (professional and citizen): all naturalists have the common goal of sharing their knowledge of the environment to preserve natural history. We believe that naturalists offer an enthusiastic interest in nature that makes them the best of teachers and enables them to bridge the gap from the sciences to the non-scientific public.

  • Nature

    We connect citizens to nature in ways that inspire appreciation for the intrinsic value of nature and promote the enjoyment of nature and natural history of our area.


By policy, bylaws and the constitution, RDRN have established a set of objectives.

  • To encourage Central Albertans to increase their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of natural history.

  • To work towards conservation of natural areas and of species native to Central Alberta.

  • To help prevent abuse of the natural resources.

  • To work with Nature Clubs within Nature Alberta and with other organizations having similar objectives, towards greater understanding, enjoyment and conservation of the natural heritage of Alberta.

  • To promote the study of natural history through varied channels of communication, field trips and outdoor activities.

  • To cooperate with groups having related interests to promote the exchange of information and to encourage the representation of the Red Deer River Naturalists Society’s views at local, provincial, national and international levels as appropriate.

  • To acquire lands, by purchase or otherwise, for the purpose of preserving natural features, or pursuing the objectives of the Society.


The Red Deer River Naturalists Society is governed by a Board composed of an executive and up to fourteen directors.

The RDRN Board is subject to the by-laws and direction given to it by majority vote at any meeting of the membership and has full control and management of the affairs of the Society. The board appoints committees as the need arises.

The Board meets at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre in Red Deer, Alberta on the second Tuesday of January, February, March, April, May, August, September, October and November. Exempt months are June, July and December.

The Annual General Meeting is held on the fourth Thursday of January.

Board of Directors

RDRN Board and Staff (from left): Ed Graff, Myrna Pearman, Don Wales, Rick Tallas, Rod Trentham (Staff: Recording Secretary), Daryl Beck, Bob Krutchen, Anto Davis, Cathy Steele

Affiliations & Associations

The Red Deer River Naturalists Society maintains affiliations with similar organizations.

As a founding member of Nature Alberta, RDRN has a seat on the Nature Alberta Board of Directors.

As a founding member of the Ellis Bird Farm, RDRN maintains a seat on that Board.

RDRN maintains a seat on the Board.

RDRN maintains a seat on the Board.