© Myrna Pearman

Other Nature Organizations

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Alberta Conservation Association – Since 1997, Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) has encouraged all Albertans to enjoy the outdoors. Conserving the fish, wildlife and habitat resources we enjoy makes Alberta the beautiful and balanced place it is. Conservation is about keeping our connections to the past, getting outdoors now, and most of all—shaping our quality of life as we take on tomorrow.

Alberta Environmental Network – The Alberta Environmental Network is a non-profit, non-partisan umbrella organization dedicated to helping preserve and protect Alberta’s environment.

Alberta Hiking Association – The Alberta Hiking Association (otherwise know as AHA) is primarily an umbrella organization for hiking clubs from across the province.

Alberta Invasive Species Council – Alberta Invasive Species Council increases awareness and educates Albertans about the destructive impacts invasive species have on the environment, economy and society. Serves as a respected source of credible information and resources on invasive species in Alberta. Engages and empowers Albertans to prevent, detect and take action against invasive species. Invasive alien plants are species introduced deliberately or unintentionally outside of their natural habitats. In this new environment, free from their natural ‘enemies’, non-native plants have an advantage that allows them to out-compete native plants and agricultural crops for space, moisture and nutrients.

Alberta Species at Risk – The Alberta Species at Risk is a record of species at risk in Alberta.

Alix Nature Trail Society – The mission of the Alix Nature Trail Society (ANTS) is to protect, preserve and promote the Alix Lake Nature Trail as a valued experience for hikers, cyclists, and all outdoor enthusiasts.

Alberta Native Plant Council – The Alberta Native Plant Council promotes knowledge and conservation of the native plants and vegetation of Alberta.

Alberta Prairie Conservation Forum – The Prairie Conservation Forum is a large voluntary coalition of stakeholder groups whose members are interested in the conservation of native prairie and parkland environments in Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Native Bee Council – The Alberta Native Bee Council supports the conservation of Alberta’s native bee populations. Promoting conservation of native pollinator communities through research and monitoring, advocacy, education, and collaboration with others.

Alberta Wilderness Association – Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) is the oldest wilderness conservation group in Alberta dedicated to the completion of a protected areas network and the conservation of wilderness throughout the province.

Wild Lands Advocate, the Alberta Wilderness Associations magazine.

Alberta Lake Management Society– The Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS) and its members are active in providing a link to individuals, local communities, educational institutions, governments and industry across Alberta who are interested in lake and watershed management.


Big Lake Environment Support Society – The Big Lake Environment Support Society (BLESS) is a registered charity and non-profit organization in Alberta. The society’s major objective is the conservation of the Big Lake wetlands, through advocacy, public education, stewardship of Lois Hole Centennial Provincial Park and data collection programs. Big Lake, a relatively little known jewel of the capital region abuts the northwest corner of Edmonton and the southwest corner St. Albert. Parkland County borders the lake on the south and Sturgeon County on the north. The lake sits on the sands and gravels of the Empress Formation, an aquifer 30 meters below its surface that was laid down by retreating glacial melt waters.

Beaverhill Bird Observatory – Established in 1984, the Beaverhill Bird Observatory (BBO) is the second oldest migration monitoring observatory in Canada. Our extensive long-term datasets enable the BBO to track changes in bird populations, migratory routes, breeding success, and survivorship. It is a nonprofit organization, funded entirely by generous grants, donations and public support.

Buffalo Lake Nature Club – Buffalo Lake Nature Club/Naturalists encourages people of all ages to share in the discovery and the love of this planet. Every living thing matters; from the tiniest mite to the largest of trees. For the Love of Nature. Discovering and cherishing our planet.


Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – The CPAWS thirteen nationwide chapters are working to protect wild places, wildlife and a sustainable future for Canadians on our country’s 6 million square miles of publicly-owned lands.


Edmonton Nature Club – The Edmonton Nature Club (ENC) encourages and provides opportunities for members and the public to come explore, learn about and enjoy the natural world.

Environmental Law Centre – The Environmental Law Centre (ELC) was incorporated in 1982 with the express purpose of providing Albertans with an objective source of information about environmental and natural resources law. Over the years, its mandate has broadened to extend the provision of service across the country.

Ellis Nature Centre – Ellis Nature Centre is located in the heart of central Alberta, Ellis Nature Centre is both a working farm as well as a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Mountain Bluebirds, Tree Swallows and other native cavity-nesting birds.


Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society – Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society’s mission is to protect, preserve, and enhance the diverse natural and human history found in Fish Creek Provincial Park in Calgary, Alberta.

Friends of Jasper Park – Friends of Jasper Park is a non-profit organization that strives to promote understanding, appreciation and respect for the natural history and cultural heritage of Jasper National Park. We offer interpretive programs, fund research, publish park related materials and perform park improvement.

Friends of Little Beaver Lake Society – Ferintosh – The Friends of Little Beaver Lake Society was formed to enhance, preserve, and protect the natural environment of Little Beaver Lake and surrounding lands; to build appreciation of this special environment; to demonstrate the appreciation by learning more and sharing what they learn with one another and the younger generation; to increase awareness and knowledge about local watershed issues; and to be a watershed stewardship group for Little Beaver Lake and the head waters of Meeting Creek.


Grasslands Naturalists – Grasslands Naturalists is dedicated to south-eastern Alberta: to the responsible treatment of the prairie and Cypress Hills; and to maintaining the natural beauty and wildlife. We believe that a natural environment fulfils human needs and values, rather than conflicts with them.


Important Bird Areas of Canada – Canada’s Important Bird Areas of Canada program is a science-based initiative to identify, conserve and monitor a network of sites that provide essential habitat for Canada’s bird populations.

Invasive Alien Plants of Canada – Invasive Alien species are those harmful plants, animals, and micro-organisms whose introduction or spread threatens the environment, the economy, or society, including human health.


J. J. Collett Provincial Natural Area – J. J. Collett Provincial Natural Area, located in rural central Alberta near the hamlet of Morningside, consists of 635 acres of Aspen Parkland. Over 18 km of maintained trails wind through a mosaic of shrub lands, aspen groves, stands of white spruce on moist shady hillsides, wetlands and grassy meadows typical of the area.


Kerry Wood Nature Centre – The Kerry Wood Nature Centre and Historic Fort Normandeau are run by the Waskasoo Environmental Education Society for the City of Red Deer.


Land Stewardship Centre – The Land Stewardship Centre is a provincial stewardship initiative, with partners from federal and provincial government agencies, non-government organizations, community stewardship groups, and Aboriginal communities.

Lethbridge Naturalists Society – The LNS’s objectives are: to encourage the development of knowledge and appreciation of natural history and understanding of ecological processes by residents of Lethbridge and surrounding areas of Alberta: to organize field meetings, lectures and visual presentations and to conduct research on any or all aspects of natural history; to provide a forum for amateur and professional naturalists to discuss questions relating to conservation of the natural environment and to provide the means for translating the decisions reached into appropriate action.

Lac La Biche Birding Society – The Lac La Biche Birding Society was incorporated in the spring of 1998. Prior to that an unofficial club had been active since its first Christmas Bird Count in 1992. The club participates in the Christmas Bird Count, the May Species Count and public education on the value of wild birds in the Lac La Biche region and their conservation/environmental importance.

Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory – The Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory is a non-profit society committed to avian monitoring, research and education. Researchers have established that Lesser Slave Lake and nearby Marten Mountain act as a natural barrier to migratory birds. Many migrant birds avoid crossing the lake and veer to the east. Marten Mountain, elevation 1020 metres above sea level, funnels the migrants along the shoreline.


Medicine River Wildlife Centre – The Medicine River Wildlife Centre rehabs orphaned and injured wildlife, gives education programs from children to seniors.  It has a nature trail open year round, overlooking a large wetland housing many species.


Nature Alberta – Nature Alberta was founded in 1970 when six regional naturalist clubs came together for the good of both their collective membership and Alberta’s natural history.

Nature Calgary – Nature Calgary is a community of Calgarians that promotes the preservation of natural habitats, provides educational opportunities and supports the collection of natural history observations. Together we learn, explore and share.

Nature Canada – Nature Canada’s mission is to conserve and protect nature—Canada’s natural diversity of plant and animal species and their environment.

Nature Conservancy – The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a private, non-profit organization working for the direct protection of Canada’s biodiversity through the purchase, donation or placing on conservation easements on ecologically significant lands. NCC offers conservation events for volunteers. Please check the NCC website for a schedule of Alberta events.

Nature Saskatchewan – Nature Saskatchewan promotes the appreciation and understanding of our natural environment through education, conservation and research.

North American Bluebird Society – The North American Bluebird Society spearheaded what many conservationists believe is the most successful campaign in conservation history to reverse the decline of a species.


Peace Parkland Naturalists – The Peace Parklands Naturalists are dedicated to increasing knowledge, interest and enjoyment of natural history in the Peace Region.

Pembina Institute – The Pembina Institute is working to solve today’s greatest energy challenges. We provide our expertise to industry and government leaders, and we advocate for a strong, science-based approach to policy, regulation, environmental protection and energy development. Holistic and practical solutions for a sustainable world.


Red Deer Ramblers – The Red Deer Ramblers are a hiking group based within Central Alberta.  We have hikes scheduled every second Saturday from April to October and also included extended trips throughout the season.

Red Deer River Basin Watershed Planning and Advisory Council – The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance is a multi-sector, non-profit organization that promotes the good use and proper management of water within the Red Deer River watershed.

Rethink Red Deer – Rethink Red Deer is dedicated to enhancing the long term quality of life in Red Deer and surrounding area. This group searches out and shares ideas that inspire citizens to make and create sustainable consumer choices – global in awareness, local in application. Members believe that we are citizens first and consumers second; that our world is finite and borrowed from future generations; that we can live sustainably and in harmony with nature; and that inspiration is a renewable resource.


The Biological Survey of Canada – The Biological Survey of Canada is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that helps to coordinate scientific research among specialists on the Canadian biota. The BSC network of scientists discovers, synthesizes, and freely shares knowledge about Canada’s biological diversity. The Biological Survey of Canada has recently published two volumes (Volumes 3 and 4) of the Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands series. They contain an enormous amount of information about the grasslands biodiversity of Alberta.


Waskasoo Environmental Education Society – WEES , we are creating a population of citizens interested in, aware of, concerned about and involved in their natural and cultural heritage.

Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society – Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society vision is that individuals, communities, and governments recognize the Weaselhead as an important natural area in Calgary that connects people with nature, and work collaboratively to embrace and protect it.

Wild Canada – Wild Canada is a national conservation organization that helps Canadians protect wildlands and wildlife. Because there is a need for a new approach in the effort to solve Canada’s conservation challenges. Wildcanada.net combines grassroots organizing with sophisticated on-line Action Centres that provide conservation-minded Canadians and existing conservation groups from around the country with ways to protect nature.

Wolf Matters – Wolf Matters is dedicated to raising awareness about issues related to wolves in Alberta. They support the efforts of individuals and organizations who are raising concerns about how wolves are managed and treated in the province. Please feel free to send us information, photographs, articles and links.