We invite you to help us document animals and flowering plants in Central Alberta!
You can count in your own backyard, in a nearby park or natural area or even by driving the back-roads. We are interested in everything, from insects and spiders to amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Head on over to the drop-down menu Programs, Species Count, May Species Count to print off your tally sheets.
– All living things are counted: flowers in bloom, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects.
– Count between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. either Saturday, Sunday or both. (please check Coming Events or the May Newsletter for any changes.)
– If counting both days, please count in different locations using separate tally sheets.
– Contact Judy Boyd 403-358-1098 if participating and to indicate where you are counting so there are no duplication of counts.
– Mail your tally sheet to: RDRN office, Box 785, Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 5H2 Attn: Judy Boyd
With the current situation with Covid-19, we are still going ahead with the May Species Count. This activity does not involve people congregating. People who are participating will be encouraged to continue with social distancing. This is a great way to get out of the house and still be safe. Once you have filled out the tally sheet you can either scan and email it to judy.boyd@shaw.ca or call Judy at 403-358-1098 to give your tally to Judy over the phone. Because the Kerry Wood Nature Centre is closed, you won’t have the option of dropping your tally sheet off there. If you are walking on the trails, make sure you keep yourself at a safe distance from other people.