Red Deer River Naturalists Bird Focus Group Walk
Location: The Narrows – meet at the turn-around area at the end of Range Road 22-1. It is clearly marked with a dead-end sign and there is lots of parking on the right. There is a walking trail from there into the larger Recreation area.
Saturday July 29, 2023 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. May be longer.
Host: Chris Olsen
All are welcome, you do not have to be a RDRN member to attend.
Bring your binoculars*, camera/phone, bug spray and sunscreen. Wear sturdy hiking footwear. Some trails are on rough terrain. Distances vary, but may be up to 5 kms. Carry water and an energy snack. Wear layers and carry rain gear and a hat as required by conditions. Let Chris know if you have any potential medical issues.
*RDRN have two birding binoculars that can be borrowed (first come, first serve) by new participants. Binoculars courtesy of a City of Red Deer Community Better ParticipACTION grant.
Narrows Provincial Recreation Area. Map: