Watershed Management Proposal for City of Red Deer
Background Information and Recommendations
Executive Summary
One of the primary mandates of the Red Deer River Naturalists is the preservation of native vegetation and wildlife habitat within the Red Deer River basin and specifically, in this instance, within the expanded boundaries of the City of Red Deer and beyond into the City/County collaborative planning area. As the City expands its boundaries, it has become increasingly evident that virtually all habitat left to protect is associated with watersheds, including the river, major creeks, ravines, and wetlands. Members of RDRN share the same concerns regarding water quality and conservation as the majority of Red Deer citizens. Beyond that, we recognize the additional benefits of preserving intact and functioning watersheds along with significant buffers to protect their integrity. These benefits include the protection of native vegetation and preservation of wildlife habitat both terrestrial and aquatic. The maintenance of uninterrupted wildlife corridors is critical to allow movements of animals both along the river corridor and out of the city center through major creeks and ravines. Intact watersheds will ultimately become the basis of an expanded parks system available for appropriate forms of passive recreation and nature appreciation so valued by the citizens of Red Deer. We are recommending the City develops a comprehensive Watershed Management Plan.