Ferry Point Community Camp-out/Birding Field Trip
Explore the beautiful Battle River Valley June 22 and 23, 2024.
Location: Meet at the Ferry Point Campground near Meeting Creek @ 10:00 a.m. Range Rd 184 north of Twp Rd 434, Rosalind, AB T0B 3Y0
During the weekend, we will visit several sites, within the Battle River valley and surrounding uplands and wetlands to observe birds as well as flowers and other plants. Some years we observe more than 70 bird species; many are located close to the campground and Battle River. Some of the highlights of the trip might be Brown Thrasher, Great Horned Owl, Mountain Bluebird, Cliff Swallow, White-faced Ibis. In addition to birding expertise, we anticipate plant and landscape/geological expertise as well.
Come out for a day or the weekend. You have two ways to participate in this trip:
- Go out on Saturday and meet at 10:00 a.m. and spend the day, bring your own lunch and drinks. Judy Boyd will be on hand to help identify species. Following an afternoon of birding, burgers will be provided by the Red Deer River Naturalists and salads and deserts will be pot luck. Please bring an item to share.
- Go out on Sunday and meet at the campground at 10:00 a.m. bring your own lunch and drinks. We will travel to 1 or 2 sites to observe birds, flowers and other wild plants. We will be wrapped up by about 1:30 or so.
- You can camp (tents or trailers) overnight at the Ferry Point Campground, south of the Battle River bridge on Range Road 184. There is a minimal charge for the campsite. No formal activities are planned for Friday evening, but for those who wish to camp on Friday night, it is a good time to enjoy the ambience of the Battle River valley and visit with others.
Host: Judy Boyd 403-358-1098, please call to confirm attendance.
Bring your binoculars, hat, sunscreen, camera/phone, insect repellent, water and energy snack and dress for the weather.
All are welcome, you do not have to be a RDRN member to attend.