2014 Owl Award Keith Kline
Apparently Keith’s interest in natural history goes back a long ways. Periodically he will mention something he did years ago, something that obviously made an impression on him.
He now lives in Red Deer where he has a birds, and other critters, friendly yard with large trees and a garden area. He likes to post his visitors on the RDRN Facebook page.
Keith joined RDRN many years ago and has served on the Board for a lot of those years. Keith, I think, could be called the quiet voice of reason when it comes to making decisions. His advice is sage and worth listening to.
Keith has conducted early morning spring birding walks for several years. His love and admiration for the parks in Red Deer becomes abundantly clear when you stroll with him on the pathways, even if it means rising at 6:00 in the morning.
He has also attended several of the RDRN outings, especially to the various natural areas and in that regard helps with our inventories.
More recently, Keith has been a mover in terms of getting our social media presence going. He has started an RDRN blog called Natural Wise and would be most happy to have anyone contribute to it.
Keith has served as 2nd Vice-President, Vice-President, President, and of course, Past President. For many years, Keith has acted as one of our auditors to check up on the treasurer.
Keith has been acting as one of the administrators for the RDRN Facebook page. In that capacity he gets to “thumbs up or thumbs down” on people requesting membership. It is quite interesting to check the backgrounds of those wanting to join. Sometimes you have to wonder just what their motivation is.
So, now it is time to recognize Keith’s long time support for RDRN and its activities by presenting him with the 2014 Owl Award.